We are called to Advocacy Service…

Those of us who come in the future should know that the first years of SALT have been built on these people and these principles. We hope that our experience will guide those of you who read this in the future.

SALT A Story of Social Action in Northern Virginia

Read here to Learn how our SALT movement is winning the fight to assist Virginia’s most vulnerable TANF families and prison families.

Social Action Linking Together A Chronology

A SALT Social Action Story Thank You

Join with SALT’s continued success in our efforts to improve the lives of those less fortunate by taking time to learn from SALT the process, the effort, and the perseverance needed to get things done.

Must See! Click Here: “Welcome to SALT”

Learn how the legislative process works in Virginia (or doesn’t!) and how we can get involved to produce great positive impact on people’s lives. Be motivated to act on social justice issues, especially with the road map to resources that SALT provides.


In the past, SALT has advocated successfully for many issues, including:

  • repeal of the sales tax for food stamp each year in 19 states, increasing food aid by $9.5 million in Virginia;
  • won $4 million in TANF stimulus funding for emergency assistance to 2,500 families;
  • initiated and passed TANF funding pool;
  • establishment of a permanent Homeless Intervention Program (HIP) with $5.3 million funding;
  • persuaded the VA General Assembly to pass the Virginia Income Tax Credit (VITC) which boosts the income of 190,000 low-income workers;
  • obtained $11 million in funding for the continuum of support services for the homeless and a 10 percent increase in TANF benefits;
  • made Virginia the first state in the nation to passthrough 100 percent of child support from the noncustodial parents directly to the child and custodial parent;
  • secured EITC Mini-Grants to do outreach and to claim the federal EITC “Work Pay” benefits.

Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr., Martyr

This is what we are about.
We plant the seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces effects far beyond our capabilities.
from A Prayer for Our Time by Archbishop Oscar Romero, Martyr

It is not enough for me to ask questions; I want to know how to answer the one question that seems to encompass everything I face: What am I here for? Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel

All creatures are God’s dependents, and the most beloved to God, among them, is he who does good to God’s dependents.
Prophet Muhammad


428,388 thousand people in Virginia are struggling below the poverty line—and more than 214,000 of those are children.

Social Action Linking Together (SALT) is a network of persons in Virginia embracing the principle that “The justice of a society can be measured by how the most vulnerable members of that society are faring and being treated.” This principle can be found in all the great religious traditions and inspires SALT members to propose and shape fair public social policies through our education of policy makers & our advocacy for the poor and powerless.

Advocacy is giving personal witness to your faith by speaking on behalf of those who frequently are not heard at the policy-making level. Motivating advocacy is the belief that faith and action need to be linked. Through advocacy, legislators are made aware that there is a responsibility to the needs of God’s special people.

SALT influences public policy by:

  • researching and selecting priority issues for action;
  • educating and raising awareness within faith communities;
  • building relationships with legislators;
  • and advocating for these issues by telephoning, e-mailing, writing, and testifying.
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